Life and Times of Two Cheeky Monkey’s

Following the arrival of our new little ones and that their foster carer, Mandy is a first time carer for mum and kittens.  We thought it might be nice for Mandy to keep a blog of her experience and we can all watch these little ones grow and develop before being ready to be re-homed.

So welcome to our blog “The Life and Times of Two Cheeky Monkey’s”

Following their birth on 6 March 2018, Mandy has dealt with the sad delivery of one stillborn kitten but these two are feeding well off mum and today, the first post of her blog Mandy tells us:

They are enjoying a well-earned snooze after pushing each other out of the way for a feed on mummy!  They are already cheeky monkeys.  I will get more pictures and will weigh them later.  I am weighing them daily to make sure they are gaining weight.  I am getting lots of support from Carole, our senior foster carer.  I will update you soon as I am also going to try to sex them!


Saturday, 10 March 2018

Whilst our fundraisers were busy outside Pets at Home in Bletchley today raising much needed funds.  These little ones were starting to learn how to crawl and already being pickles climbing to escape the box lol

Both have put 27 grams each and we think that the black one is a girl weighing 135 grams and the black grey/white is a boy weighing 155 grams xxx
I was delighted to hear that we received donations of kitten food from a lovely family who stopped and spoke to Claire and Annie today.  So thank you for those donations.






Sunday 11th March 2018

So Mother’s Day has arrived, we are now 5 days old! Our mummy and foster family are looking after us really well, and we have enjoyed lots of cuddles.

Our eyes aren’t open yet, but we are already exploring and being as cheeky as we can.

We are healthy and putting on weight everyday. Our Fosterer Mandy is doing really well and keeping a close eye on us and our naughty antics.

Let’s see what tomorrow brings for our journey in life😻.







Monday 12th March 2018

It’s now day 4 of our blog, and our fosterer Mandy is loving be able to show you all our journey.

We are starting to wriggle around, and we are almost a week old!? Can you believe it. Mandy is such a good fosterer, and she looks after us and mummy really well. She loves watching us grow, and it’s safe to say she adores us already hehe…



Tuesday 13th March 2018

We’ve reached day 5, and today we were feeling a little bit camera shy…

It’s only one more day until we are a WHOLE week old! Mandy and mummy have been giving us lots of cuddles as always, and we’ve had a good day.

It won’t be long now before our eyes are open, and we can be even cheekier.. we wonder if Mandy is ready hehe.



Wednesday 14th March 2018

We are now one week old! And we are trying to open our eyes. Mandy has been watching us wriggle around and play!

We are getting a lot bigger now, and we will be a handful before you know hehe.

Mandy loves watching us grow, and is such an amazing Fosterer.


Thursday 15th March 2018

It’s day 7 and we are still being as cheeky as ever.

We’ve spent the day wriggling around, and exploring. We’ve had lots of cuddles from mummy and Mandy.





Friday 16th March 2018

Day 8 and we’ve had a sleepy day for a change. We had lots of cuddles together, giving mummy and Mandy some peace and quiet.

Mandy is waiting to name us for now, until we get a little bit older and our personalities start to come out properly.


Saturday 17th March 2018

Day 9 and it’s St Paddy’s Day! Mandy is feeling excited as we both have our eyes open now.

One of us has now been named Pebbles. We have enjoyed a busy day and are now taking a nice afternoon snooze.


Sunday 18th March 2018

Day 10 and it’s been a busy day! We’ve had little people visiting us today, and we loved having cuddles and being stroked. They were very good and gentle with us.

We are feeling super wiped out now, it’s definitely time for a snooze!

Both of our eyes are now open, which means the fun begins now hehe. Mandy says she is fallen in love with us already, and she will miss us lots when we go.

We have both put on lots of weight, we are little porkies!! But we are happy and healthy ❤️❤️


Monday 19th March 2018

We’ve had a quieter day today, as Mandy has been poorly with a bug. We have been giving her lots of cuddles and being the best nurses possible 😻

She still managed to get some piccies of us, we hope Mandy is feeling better soon❤️



Tuesday 20th March 2018

Well it’s the first day of spring, and we are feeling giddy today! We are exploring lots, and trying to walk…. we’re a bit wobbly at the moment 😝

Mandy has been taking lots of videos and photos of us whilst we have been playing up and wriggling around!



Wednesday 21st March 2018

Day 13 and we have had a busy day with mummy. We’ve been trying (and failing) to chase her and play. We are still really wobbly, so we just fall over hehe. Mandy has been crawling around after us as we are starting to get quicker😂

Mandy tells us that we can’t be reserved until we are 6 weeks old… but she did say an amazing lady called Emma has fallen in love with us both… how exciting!!


Wednesday 21st – Saturday 24th March 2018

So we’ve missed a few days as Mandy’s internet has been playing up. We are so alert and on the move now… there’s no stopping us!!

We have enjoyed lots of play time and cuddles with mummy and our visitors. We are nearly 3 weeks old already!

Look how much we’ve grown…


Sunday 25th March 2018

We’ve reached day 18, and we’ve spent it enjoying lots of cuddles!

Mandy has named us Bam Bam and Pebbles, that means we are Flintstone babies 😍.

We are becoming cheekier by the day, and have now found our feet. We have Mandy running round in circles as we get quicker  and livelier every day.



Monday 26th March 2018

So we now have names, and we are really finding our feet. Mandy says we are becoming cheeky little rascals hehe, she is having to kitten proof the room as we try and get into every nook and cranny we can.

Our little teeth are visible now, and we are growing up sooooo fast! We are having great fun and love exploring 😀


Wednesday 28th March 2018

Day 20 & 21 – we’ve enjoyed some lovely cuddles with Emma and Carole from MK Cat Rescue.

We have been really cheeky today, and keep trying to get under the sofa… we are just trying to play hide and seek we promise!!

We now have little teeth and are 3 weeks old! Time is going so fast.


Thursday 29th March 2018

Today we have exploring lots, and have even started climbing onto the cat tree… although we then got stuck and couldn’t get back down. We had to cry and Mandy came to the rescue hehe.

We also both tried a little bit of water, although Bam Bam fell in it 😂.

We are looking forward to a fun filled Easter weekend.


Friday 30th March 2018

Today was Mandy’s daughters birthday, and we got to be included in her celebrations, how exciting!!

We’ve had a lovely day enjoying cuddles and watching Paige open her presents.

Although Bam Bam did have to move the attention back to him by eating Mandy’s shoe😹😹


Tuesday 3rd April 2018

We’ve had a busy Easter weekend, we are now playing with each other and being very cheeky.

We are now drinking water and enjoying some additional kitten milk… yum yum! We’ve kept Mandy on her toes this weekend, as we have mastered the art of climbing.

We are also teething, and chewing everything we can find hehe…


Wednesday 4th April 2018

It’s only two days until we are a month old!! It’s gone so quickly and we are just having the best time.

We are getting really playful now, and just have to spend our days exploring. We are still super friendly, and absolutely love cuddle time.

Today we have been playing on the chair…. and Pebbles saw a ghost… BOO ❤️


Friday 6th April 2018

We have discovered that the cat tree is really fun to play on and we have invented a new game called whoooosh.

We like to squish through the hole, and just kept going round and doing it again hehe.

We’ve had lots of cuddles and play time with mummy and Mandy. We are having such a fun time growing up.


Sunday 8th April 2018

Can you believe we’ve now reached day 32!! Time is flying by so quickly and we are getting bigger by the day.

This weekend we have enjoyed lots and lots of playtime… Mandy keeps saying she needs eyes in the back of her head because we are so cheeky.

We love our cat tree, it’s our favourite thing to play on and we love being in each others company.


Monday 9th April 2018

Today we enjoyed lots more playtime, this time it was in our new play pen! It gave mummy a little break and meant Mandy didn’t need eyes in the back of her head to keep an eye on us hehe.

Mandy finds it hard to take pictures of us now because we are ALWAYS on the move .



Tuesday 10th March 2018

It’s been a day filled with playtime… well that’s just a normal day for us now we’re getting so grown up.

We enjoyed more time in our play pen… mummy secretly liked the peace and quiet we’re sure of it hehe.

We can’t believe we are 5 weeks old today! Time has gone so quickly… it’s only 4 more weeks until we are old enough to go our forever home!



Wednesday 11th April 2018

Today we learnt how to escape the play pen… and terrified Mandy in the process hehe. Bam Bam was the first to escape, and I promptly followed…

Mandy has now put a lid on the pen because she says we are too cheeky! We also enjoyed play fighting on the sofa, we’ve had a great day.

We are on the move all the time now, and there’s no stopping us…


Thursday 12th April 2018

We’ve had a nice and chilled out Thursday! We tried dry food for the first time today and it was really yummy.

We are growing up so quickly, and getting really independent. We have enjoyed lots of cuddles and sleep time today.


Sunday 15th April 2018

We have done lots of growing up this weekend, we are now fully litter trained and we are eating wet AND dry food!! We are turning into mini cats….

We have discovered that climbing the curtains is super fun for us..maybe not for Mandy….

And we love our new radiator bed, we love snoozing in it.


Tuesday 17th April 2018

We are now SIX weeks old! We can’t believe how quickly time is going by. In 3 weeks time we will be old enough to go to our forever home.

Mandy took us for our check up at the vets today, they were very happy with us and said we are very healthy babies.

We’ve enjoyed lots of play today, and Bam Bam wanted to take centre stage in every picture…. luckily, Mandy finally got one of Pebbles hehe!

Friday 20th April 2018

Today we had a visit from our soon to be forever mummy Emma. We enjoyed lots of cuddles and we love her already.

We’ve had lots and lots of playtime this week, and now we are really tired!! Enjoying our snoozing time now.

We’ve kept Mandy on her toes and our mummy has been enjoying some down time whilst we played.


Sunday 22nd April 2018

We’ve had a very tiring weekend filled with play time and cuddles!

We were naughty when Mandy tried to take our pictures…. but we fell asleep and she got one!! Oh no😂

We are feeling excited as we enter our 7th week in the world.


Friday 27th April 2018

Today we enjoyed lots of belly rubs and play time! We are now 7 weeks old and are causing lots of trouble.

There’s no stopping us now and we are on the go 24/7! Only 2 weeks left of our blog, can you believe it?


Tuesday 1st May 2018

We’ve finally reached May and it’s only 17 days until we go to our forever home!!

We are so big now and always on the move, we have Mandy running round in circles trying to catch us.

We can’t wait to show you our last few weeks in our foster home.



Tuesday 8 May 2018

We are being naughty…we are 9 weeks old now and we have so much energy and are running, playing chase and hide and seek with one another.  We are moving around so fast that our foster mum Mandy is spending lots of time trying to take photographs of us 🙂 We are super excited that it will soon be time for us to be rehomed but in the meantime we will keep our foster mum on her toes with more hide and seek 😉


Bam Bam and Pebbles together.png



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