Lost and found advice

Lost Cats

Losing your cat can be a worrying and traumatic time, and we hope the following tips and advice will help to reunite you with your cat. When you do find your cat, please inform any organisations that you told about its disappearance.

Microchipping – the single best way to be reunited with your missing cat is to microchip them. 

Things you can do to help find a lost cat:

  • Have a good look round in the house and any sheds or garages, and in less obvious places like the washing machine or the loft, and ask your neighbours to do the same.The average neutered cat roams the distance of approximately 5-10 houses either side of their home, so we recommend you ask at least this number of neighbours.
  • If your cat is not neutered, especially if they are male, they are likely to roam much, much further in search of a mate. We highly recommend neutering your cats, both for their general wellbeing and for their safety during mating season.
  • Go out at dusk and dawn with freshly cooked chicken or smelly fish and quietly call your cats name, stop and listen for any movement or sounds. If you see your cat but cannot get close enough to handle it, contact us so we can provide further advice.
  • Rattle that favourite packet of treats or tap their food bowl… call their name and see if they come running back.
  • Post photos on social media and ask your friends to share.
  • Create “Lost Cat” posters with a photo, post through letterboxes in the local area and display them in local vets, shops and other local business (asking permission first).
  • Consider what you may need if you find your cat – You will want to bring your cat home, so we recommend taking a cat carrier with you to safely transport your cat if you find them.
  • Contact all local vets and other local organisations, such as:
  • Visit Animal Search UK – they have specialist teams who will help you search for your cat, and they have an 80% success rate. Visit AnimalSearchUK.co.uk
  • Register your missing cat on the following national websites (these sites are FREE): e.g. Pets Located

Found a cat?

Is the cat showing signs of sickness or injury and requires immediate veterinary attention?

Call National RSCPA on 0300 1234 999, or visit the RSPCA site to report cruelty >

Is the cat healthy and friendly?

If you can get close enough to the cat, make up a paper collar. The paper collar should be put around the cat’s neck with a small piece of sellotape. Please DO NOT put the sellotape all the way around the collar, as this can be dangerous. The collar should contain a note on it saying “If this is your cat please call this number: ….”.

If no one calls within 24-36 hours you can be fairly certain that it is lost or stray.

Take a picture of the cat and put up some ‘found cat’ posters. Download a template >

Contact your local animal rescue groups, to ask if they have been reported as lost – contact details on here: Cat Rescue Organisations – UK and Ireland, and check Animal Search UK.

If the owner cannot be traced, and you are unable to adopt the cat yourself, contact your local rescue centre, so that they can arrange to take the cat in for rehoming. If you intend to keep the cat, take him to a vet for a health check, and to arrange for them to be neutered and microchipped.

If the cat is hungry, please feed it, but please do apply some common sense.

Cats can do a very good impression of being stray or hungry, so pop that paper collar on!  You can provide clean water, (not cows milk, as many cats and kittens are lactose intolerant).

If you cannot take it into your home, please make sure there is somewhere dry and waterproof outside for shelter. This can be as simple as a cardboard box covered with a bin liner or clingfilm, and weighted down against the wind, or tucked under a bush for stability. Ideal bedding to put inside is a thick layer of straw, which acts as a heat-conserving ‘nest’. Alternatively, a jumper or towel will do, but this should be changed regularly as these retain moisture and can encourage mould or mildew.

If you need further advice, please contact us.