Gone But Not Forgotten

Over the years at MK Cat Rescue, we have come across some cats who sadly despite a lot of love and treatment just are not well enough to make it to their forever homes.


Mr Bumble came into our care in late 2019. He sadly collapsed of kidney failure in February of this year and the decision had to be made to send Mr Bumble on his journey over the Rainbow Bridge.

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Marmite came into our care having lived as a stray for quite some time. Upon Marmite’s health check, the vet discovered that he was suffering from stage 4 kidney failure. His fosterer Angela kept him loved and comfortable until he sadly passed in January.

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Penny came to our care from the vets when she was 12 weeks old, she was very very thin and friendly. We let her settle into foster and she gained weight quickly but sadly she didn’t make a full recovery and was put to sleep.


Mum and 5 kittens were found between a shed and a wall, unfortunately one had passed away before we arrived. Luckily for the others, eagle eyed neighbours had spotted the mum cat and rung, emailed, fb messaged and instagrammed us about their plight.

Our volunteers went out and rescued the kittens however mum was not coming near enough to catch. After waiting half an hour with the kittens tucked up warmly, it was decided to take them straight to the vet and come back to trap mum. The four kittens were given the all clear by the vet, and armed with newborn kitten formula were rushed into Carole’s capable arms, and a nice warm heating pad.

As we left to fetch the trap we received a message that mum had been caught and was in the carrier we had left. Joyfully we fetched mum and reunited her with the kittens.

Sadly, despite our best efforts we have lost 3 of the kittens. The vet agreed with our opinion that the kittens were premature and not fully formed inside.

Callaghan was admitted into foster having been noticed by concerned residents in Fishermead. He was approximately 10 years of age, not neutered and had an abscess on his left cheek. Despite our hopes that Callaghan appeared to have responded well to the antibiotics, whilst under anaesthetic it became clear that the back of his mouth and throat were severely ulcerated. The opinion of our vet was he had little chance of a life without pain and would have required very invasive and at least 2 surgical procedures with no guarantees it would give him a good quality of life. I think everyone knows that Annie would not take this decision lightly and Callaghan despite his best hisses… we knew he loved us really. Callaghan was put to sleep and with all our hearts we thank everyone that helped donated towards his dental treatment.


Ernie was we believe about 15 years of age when he came into foster at the end of September. He had been handed into a local vet and was in kidney failure. We brought Ernie into Sally’s care as a long-term foster where he has spent his time in a nice warm and quiet home. Sadly during last week Ernie was put to sleep due to a mass and there really was nothing more that could be done. A special thank you to Sally for taking Ernie under her wing and providing him with some very special time in her home.



Our lovely Derek was admitted into our care in January 2018.  He had been a known stray in an area of Bletchley for years but had started to struggle becoming lethargic with obvious weight loss.  He was reported to us by concerned members of the community, and when we collected Derek, Debbie one of our team, took him immediately to see the vet where he was admitted.  For 2 days we waited to see if he’d pull through and having received fluids, antibiotics and steroids he started to show signs of improving.

Derek was admitted into foster care and having been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, cat flu and testing positive for FIV, we knew he was going to be remaining in our care long-term as he had other underlying medical conditions as well.  Derek ultimately needed to receive veterinary care, be provided with a loving family home and feel safe.  With your help and MK Vet Group, we’ve given him just that.  He felt loved.

Sadly, at the weekend, Derek deteriorated and there was nothing more that could be done but for Debbie to say goodbye to her dear friend.  We will Debbie to say her final thoughts on her time with Derek:

“I just wanted to say thank you for allowing me the privilege of fostering Derek, he was only truly amazing cat, a real fighter, from the start, no matter what life threw at him he was always so loving and sweet natured, he never failed to put a smile on my face with that beautiful purr of his, Derek was always ready for a cuddle and has spent almost every night these last eight months either curled around my head or snuggled up next to me, I’m going to miss him terrible, although I know in my heart that this was the right thing to do with Derek, he will not suffer now and that is the most important thing that could be given him right now, he truly was one very special boy and I feel blessed to have had this time with him so thank you all once again”.

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This delightful chap was admitted into foster on 26 July 2018 and remained with us for over a week. Sadly whilst the vets and us knew he had a tumour in his tummy, we had hoped he would have more time in care prior to passing over.  But, Boris went knowing he was loved and having spent a week in foster.


This little chap came into foster with his siblings, Fanta and Cola in mid May 2018.  Sadly Zeus had a number of health issues and whilst we were able to make him comfortable and give him a few days with Carole and Annie caring for him.  He sadly passed away overnight following an emergency admission into the vets.

Zeus touched the hearts of everyone who met him and he is still sadly missed – this photograph sums up little Zeus to a t x



On 15 May 2018, we received a report of a cat in need of help in North MK.  Not chipped and no reply to a paper collar that remained on for over 24 hours, we took the decision to admit Domino into foster.  Domino had a unusually large belly, was dehydrated, skinny and had signs of flea infestation.  A vet checked confirmed fluid in the stomach that meant Domino remained in our care as palliative until passing away on Monday, 18 June 2018.  Domino was a friendly and vocal cat, who we know will be head-bobbing and purring over the rainbow bridge.   A big thank you to Annie, Carole and Sally who all helped ensure Domino received lots of love and TLC in the last few weeks. 



We are extremely saddened to announce that our beautiful girl Bella, made her trip over the Rainbow Bridge on Thursday evening.

Bella came into our care in the summer, having been found by the side of the road in North MK by Annie and Claire following a fundraising event. It was pouring with rain and Bella was just laying partly under a shrub, but getting soaked. They called Stewart out who managed to trap her the same day. She was rather grumpy and we soon realised why – her mouth was in a bad state and it was very sore. Bella received lots of veterinary care whilst she was with us and was originally under the care of Annie. She was diagnosed with severe gingivitis and was also a cat flu carrier. Sadly, the vets identified shortly after admission that she also had other on-going medical conditions and required ongoing steroid injections and antibiotics. We moved Bella under the guardianship of Carole who has cared for her since.

Sadly having lost some weight over the last week a vet check found a tumour in her throat and due to Bella’s age and condition, it was clear, the right decision for Bella was to ensure she didn’t have any unnecessary pain, and Carole made the decision to have her put to sleep.

Bella made a huge impact on the volunteers, she was such a loving and caring girl, who just took everything in her stride and would never fail to put a smile on your face with her beautiful purr.

She will be incredibly missed by all of us. But we are taking comfort in the fact that she was extremely loved in her final months. We would like to say a massive thank you to Carole, who has been her palliative foster and helped make her time in care pure joy for her.

We are always looking for palliative fosterers, who are able to provide comfort and care for elderly cats who cannot be treated indefinitely, and be their angels at a time they need us the most. It is an incredibly rewarding thing to do, if you would be interested in this, please contact us.

Run free beautiful girl 



Sooty came into our care in August 2017, after her owner was moving and sadly was not allowed to take her.

At the good age of 15, Sooty appeared to be a happy and healthy girl. Having been vet checked, she settled into foster care and enjoyed lots of lovely cuddles.

Sadly, not long after Sooty was given the all clear for rehoming, she suddenly began to deteriorate and following a series of tests and vet appointments, it was confirmed that she had been diagnosed with liver cancer.

Sooty made her trip over the Rainbow Bridge in September 2017.



This lovely lady came into our care in mid June, after her owners had taken her to the vets to be pts. However, we knew there was a slight chance that she could still recover, despite the fact she was severely underweight and in a terrible condition.

Luckily our angel, Angela, agreed to take Queenie on and provide a loving home for her in her final few weeks. Sadly, despite making amazing progress, Queenie suddenly deteriorated and made her trip over the Rainbow Bridge on 8th July 2017.

RIP wonderful lady, you will be dearly missed xxx

Teddy was admitted into our care having been found in Crownhill wandering around trying to get into someone’s home. Not chipped but with an obvious collar mark round his neck, he was admitted in the hope that someone would claim him. Sadly that didn’t happen, and Teddy needed to see a vet very quickly.
He required several teeth extractions and was diagnosed as hyperthyroid. After several weeks in foster and despite being approximately 14 years of age and FIV+ he healed nicely from his dental and was rehomed just 6 weeks after his admission into our care.
Sadly, in May 2017 Teddy decided it was his time to pass on, and he made his journey over the Rainbow Bridge. (RIP XX)

This beautiful boy came into our care as he was struggling to adapt following a house move and a new addition to the family.

He was over 10 years of age and had the sweetest temperament.  Dennis was vet checked on admission and discovered to have multiple issues, he was deaf, suffered from hyperthroydism and needed to put on weight so we can could get teeth removed.
Sadly whilst in our care, Dennis deteriorated over the weekend of 1 April 2017.
RIP our beautiful boy x


On 5th January 2017 we lost one of our former foster cats. He was a celebrity in his own right as he had his own blog that followed his journey following admission right through to when he was adopted by Lyn and Barry. We all witnessed the three of them forming into a family unit and were delighted when as his fosterer’s Lyn and Barry told us that they couldn’t let him go…he was their family.


Puss Puss at the end of his life was loved very much by Lyn and Barry and we loved hearing his stories of playing late at night with his favourite toys and how he nicked Barry’s favourite chair and called it his own. Rest in peace beautiful boy and thank you for coming into our lives.

This sweet girl came into care in December 2016, she was absolutely tiny and was in a really bad state.
Little Mae was incredibly loving, and touched the hearts of our volunteers and her fosterer. Sadly, she decided it was her time to leave this world and passed away in our care in January this year.
RIP our sweet girl xx
Pilchard had been living in a lady’s back garden for most of the summer and i
n the interim had clearly deteriorated as you can see by the condition of the fur in this picture.  Pilchard was described to us as completely deaf, partially sighted and no one could get close enough to help.
Luckily, Pilchard was brought into foster care and we were hoping she would make a full recovery. However, following a visit to the vets, we came to the very tough decision for her to be put to sleep. Sadly, Pilchard was in a lot of pain and this was not a

easy or quick decision.

Rest peacefully beautiful girl xxx