Beautiful Bella Needs A Furrrrrever Home

Beautiful Bella is still looking for her forever home, she is approx 7 years old and is such a loving girl.
Bella enjoys head scratches and lap cuddles on the sofa, despite loving her affection, she is also an independent girl who enjoys spending time outdoors as well.
She is very good with the toddler she currently lives with, and lives with a male cat, so she could be removed to a household with an existing male cat or she can live as the only cat.
Please help us find Bella the loving forever home she truly deserves. If you would like to adopt Bella, please contact us at

Golden Oldie Appeal

With Teddy safely tucked up in his new home, Little Mae is getting extra cuddles from Carole & Lloyd. 

We wanted to thank everyone who donated towards our Golden Oldie Appeal.

We raised £650 all of which will go towards Teddy and Little Mae’s ongoing veterinary treatment. Little Mae is putting on weight now she is on veterinary prescribed cat food and her fur is growing back after a good bath and de-flea! Fingers crossed this little one will be looking for a new home very soon too.

Sleep Well Puss Puss

I am sorry to announce that today we lost one of our former foster cats. He was a celebrity in his own right as he had his own blog that followed his journey following admission right through to when he was adopted by Lyn and Barry. We all witnessed the three of them forming into a family unit and were delighted when as his fosterer’s Lyn and Barry told us that they couldn’t let him go…he was their family.

Our cat with no name Puss Puss went over the Rainbow Bridge today. Puss Puss at the end of his life was loved very much by Lyn and Barry and we loved hearing his stories of playing late at night with his favourite toys and how he nicked Barry’s favourite chair and called it his own. Rest in peace beautiful boy and thank you for coming into our lives.


New Year Spirit!

This is just a handful of the unwanted Christmas gifts that we’ve received in the last two weeks so thank you all so much. 

We are also receiving donations of kitten food and cat litter (thank you) and teddy bears – an amazing 6 bags full! All of these donations will go a long way in raising much needed money in 2017 to help the cats. 

Thank you to Julie, Amee, Julie Chambers, Sandy (Sandy’s daughter for the teddies!) and to everyone else who has donated. You are amazballs!

It was with great sadness that we received the news yesterday that Indie aka Morris the Morrison cat had passed away to the rainbow bridge.

The Trustees had a end of year meeting today and held it down at Carole’s where our Golden Oldies are in care and we all took sometime to hangout with Teddy and Little Mae giving them an extra cuddle whilst remembering our boy Indie.

Here is a photo of Little Mae from today and we’ve uploaded another photo of her when she was first admitted. 

It lifts our hearts to see such a difference in Little Mae and we hope in some ways it lifts your spirits whilst remembering Indie. Every emotional low or large vet bill is kinda worth it if it means cats are given love and security when they’ve been let down by others in the past. We want to thank everyone who has donated to our Golden Oldie appeal, we’ve raised £650 towards covering Teddy and Little Mae’s vet bills. It will help incredibly as fundraising will rather be non existent in the next few months. We wish everyone a very safe and happy new year and we’ll see you in 2017 helping cats in our community.

A Christmas Note from the Co-Founders of MK Cat Rescue

Draco, Jasper, Bubble and Squeak all received a lovely treat this morning from Emma who helps us with socialising the cats in our care. These are our youngest residence all required trapping because they were living outside and have hardly been handled.

We aren’t homing cats now until the 27 Dec but we are on hand if you need any advice or support in relation to cat welfare.

On behalf of the co-founders of MK Cat Rescue Carole, Stewart, Annie and myself may we wish every single one of our friends, volunteers and supporters a very Merry Christmas – purrs to all x


Christmas Spirit

We have certainly felt the Christmas spirit this weekend.

Thank you to a lovely team of ladies who work at the OU for this lot and also to Caroline and so many others who came to our stall and donated food and litter. Your donations make a big difference.

A Christmas gift – friends

Wow so many of our friends came out and supported us this evening for our Christmas Quiz.

Wolverton Top Club you did us proud once again a big thank you x 

So many people were asking about our golden oldies and it is lovely to hear that they are receiving so much love from everyone. 

Well done to our marvellous Quiz Master Annie, and happy birthday to one of our co-founders Carol.  We will let everyone know tomorrow how much we raised but thank you so much it was great to see so many of our friends with us this evening.