Morris the Morrisons Cat

We thought it was time we shared some sad news with you all. To be honest its taken us some time to digest the news but its about Morris the Morrison’s cat. Morris was well known in Westcroft for hanging around the car park and had been seen eating old bread and left over pizza’s. 

On the 29 May 2016 we managed to trap Morris after several attempts of trying to catch him by hand. Sadly after two weeks in care his condition deteriorated and after some tests he has been diagnosed with hepatitis and FIV. Morris remains in foster and has been given approximately 6 months to live. 

Now that his condition is being managed and he’s been neutered, he is happy to have a fuss and is full of purrs. We would love to find someone who could provide palliative care to Morris….are we asking too much?

If there is anyone out there that has no other pets or children that would like to give Morris a home to call his own can you contact us? Morris will need to see the vet every 3 weeks or so to have a steroid injection and vitamin B12 shot but we will continue to pay for his vet treatment and food. We’ve put Morris into a foster room rather than remaining in a pen but we just want to do right by him – give him the life that he should have had for so long. If there is an angel out there can you email us

Puss Puss

Have you been following Puss Puss’ blog? His fosterer is sharing his journey following admission into our care and for anyone involved in cat welfare, you know you can never tell what a cat’s journey will be until they are in care and they’ve seen a vet!

We’re delighted that Puss Puss had his dental yesterday with no complications and at 13 delighted to hear from Lyn that he was having a nibble of food at 3am this morning.  Here he is on one of his many cat beds!

If you are enjoying learning about fostering and the work that MK Cat Rescue do in the community and would like to donate towards helping cats in our care and community, please consider using the Donate button on our blog.  We will keep everyone informed of Puss Puss’ progress x

MK Vegan Festival

We only found out today that we were named in the local newspaper as one of the animal welfare charities that was attending….we felt rather chuffed – its the first time we’ve been in the paper 🙂

The day itself was quite something and we’ve had an amazing time at the Vegan Festival today and a big thank you to Annie and Stewart for raising £223 at the event. 

We have two lovely volunteers today who are celebrating their birthdays, one is Stewart and the other is Lloyd so we wish you both a very happy birthday. We can’t sign off today without thanking our fabulous volunteer Marie who made all our stock for today. We think the mission of getting people to eat homemade vegan will be getting out there in a big way after today

Puss Puss

Are you one of the nearly 500 people who have been reading Puss Puss’ blog? No well we’re on Day 16 and its a lovely insight into the world of fostering and the highs and lows of volunteering in cat welfare.
Puss Puss

Vegan Festival….its nearly here :-)

We’re getting rather excited about attending the MK Vegan Festival next weekend.
The co-founders of MK Cat Rescue are either vegan, vegetarian or rather curious about transitioning and we are lucky to have a fantastic supporter who is passionate about getting vegans cooking vegan versions of their favourite things. Honestly you should come to the event just to try her home made Meringue and fudge alone.

More details to follow during the week of the full list of yummy food we will be selling – but here is a little picture just to give you an idea.

What Would We Do Without Volunteers eh?

One abandoned female cat not neutered. Gives birth to a litter outside. Out of that litter one stays around & has her own litter. Now in a back garden there are 6 cats & kittens. At least two are pregnant.

Welcome to our world & be thankful for Mary & Stewart two of our volunteers who having worked all week have been trying to help capture this little lot in the evenings and weekends.

We will keep you posted on developments.

Do You Believe?

We are delighted that Julie Chambers is championing our charity by way of raising funds and asking for donations of food at this event in September.

Don’t forget to book your tickets as they are going fast !


From the moment work finished on Friday our volunteers were out in force fundraising making the most of the wonderful local events that were being held in Milton Keynes.  From a school fundraising event to the wonderful family fun days held by Shenley Parish and Great Linford Parish Council we were there raising our profile and raising much needed funds.

Our wonderful volunteers have raised just over £350 this weekend and that will help pay for our Ritchie’s neutering and teeth cleaning that was completed on Friday.

Thank you everyone that helped this weekend, we were faced with wind, rain and nearly lost our gazebo! A group of superstars x

Found in a shed!

These little ones came into our care yesterday with their mum having been found in a shed. 

They’ve seen a vet today as one has an injury to its leg that may require treatment in the future but for now at just under a week old they are safe, warm and being given lost of love by their mum and foster family.

If you are able to donate any kitten food or wood chip cat litter to us it would be gratefully received.

We have 13 cats and kittens in our care at the moment so we’re going through a lot of it!


Henry was reported to us as a stray in mid-April 2016. He had been living under someone’s shrubbery and was noticed as he was always soaking wet and clearly had no suitable shelter.
We were able to trap Henry in early May and bring him into a pen where he had a safe place and could be warm and dry. Henry wasn’t neutered or chipped so we paid for him to be neutered and health checked and then gave him some time to settle.
Sadly despite Stewart’s best efforts, Henry hid every time he went into the pen and any attempts to handle him well Henry showed his displeasure.
Henry is one of those cats where he shows all the signs of having lived in a home, he knows how to use a litter tray for example but no one really knows how long he has been fending for himself outside and it became very clear after 6 weeks in our care that Henry would be more suited to living outside.
Finding relocation spaces for cats like Henry are hard to find so we were incredibly grateful when Brook Farm Animal Sanctuary agreed to us relocating Henry with them. Henry’s life will be so much happier now he has been neutered and he will always have a safe place at the Sanctuary.