Blog Success

We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has followed our blog this week. It was really important to us for you all to see into our cats’ lives and the different situations they have all faced.
We’re delighted to say the blog has brought some amazing success this week.
Finley, who we featured on day one, has been moved to a new foster home, where he is now enjoying cuddles and purring, therefore he is no longer classed as semi feral and will continue to be socialised with whilst he has some well needed dental work.
Solomon (Solly), has been officially adopted by his fosterer Lyn and is living happily ever after in his new home.
Oscar and Daisy have sparked an enquiry regarding adopting them, and Willow has a prospective owner coming to view her.
Finally, Scotty is starting to calm, and becoming more relaxed in the company of humans.
If you haven’t had a chance to read their stories, you can do so on our blog page following the link below.
And if you love the work we do, please remember we are a self funding charity, who rely entirely on donations to help us continue the work we do for these lovely kitties. If you would like to make a donation, you can do so using this link

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