Our Lovely Donors!

Our three little black beauties would like to say a MASSIVE thank you, to everyone who has made food donations to us over the past week.
Thank you so much to Paul Hyton, H E Cunningham, Rachel May, Ciaran, Willow Veterinary Centres Buckinghamshire and a couple of anonymous donors.
Your donations mean we can continue to provide first hand care to the lovely cats and kittens in our care, and they find all the food VERY yummy!

With A Little Help From Our Friends

We have some lovely friends, friends who support us and who believe in MK Cat Rescue and what we do. 

Through selling items on facebook and ebay, we’ve just received a donation of £195.70, thank you dear friends x

If anyone else would be interested in selling items for us through facebook or ebay please contact us email mkcatrescue@gmail.com x

Lovely Charlie

The lovely Charlie is still looking for his forever home, he’s been waiting for quite a while now and definitely deserves his second chance in life.
Charlie can be a little nervous when he first meets you, but once he knows you he enjoys a lap cuddle and likes to be brushed. He also loves being outdoors, so he would not suit an indoor home.
Charlie is slightly deaf, but he does not let this affect his life. You may just need to try a little harder to get his attention haha! He is a very sweet boy, who deserves his forever home.
If you would like to meet Charlie, please can you contact us at mkcatrescue@gmail.com.

Gone But Never Forgotten

Teddy came into our care in November last year. He was a senior cat that had ended up on the streets. He was a lucky boy and fell on his paws that in his retirement, Angela agreed to adopt him.   

Today his wonderful owner Angela said goodbye to him and we send our love to Angela this evening and send our thanks for opening her heart and home to Teddy. We also remember those who cared for him whilst he was in our care, Carole and Lyn – our fosterer’s who are pure gold. Teddy was a beautiful chap who stole all our hearts. Determined, quiet and loving. RIP Teddy x


We’ve been fundraising every day this weekend.

A big thank you to all our volunteers this weekend, we raised a staggering £696.00! We also want to thank Carole, Calvin, George and Rosemary for their kind donations this weekend as well. 

Its a four day week go…the next weekend is just a sniff away 🙂

Baby’s happily ever after..

This is Baby (formerly known to us as Sophie), she was found dumped in a cat carrier outside Stony Vets in July last year. The top two pictures are of her in our care, and the bottom two are in her forever home.
Her owner Sadie has provided us with a lovely update.
“The first time we met Baby she was all meows and showing her belly..it was instant love!
We brought her home and she settled in almost straight away. She loves to play with her ping pong balls, which are her favourite toy. And absolutely loves her grub, she’d eat all day if we let her. Baby is very chatty, which is the same as me so we’re always having random conversations haha! We’ve had her for almost 10 months now, and we can’t remember life without her, oh and she’s a proper Daddy’s girl, got him completely wrapped around her little paw x”
It’s so lovely to see Baby so happy, she is one of many cats who are sadly abandoned each year. We work really hard, especially at this time of year, to help get stray and abandoned cats off the streets and into forever homes. We rely solely on donations and are always extremely grateful for anything our supporters can give.
If you would like to make a donation, you can do so on the left hand side of this page.

What a beautiful pair!?

This beautiful pair are Oscar and Daisy, you may have come across their story during our blog last week.
Oscar is 6 years old and like a mini panther, whilst Daisy is 4 years old and she is a teeny little lady. They absolutely adore each other, therefore it is really important that they are rehomed together!
Both of them can be a little shy and wary when you first meet them, but once they feel comfortable they will come over to you for a snuggle. They are both very affectionate, enjoy cuddles and love to play!
Oscar and Daisy were both neutered prior to coming into care, they have also been micro chipped and have up to date vaccinations. Could you give this special pair their furrever home? mkcatrescue@gmail.com

FIV+ Love

It’s time for us to share some amazing news, Frankie our lovely FIV+ boy went to his forever home tonight.
It’s really positive for us, as we have rehomed two FIV+ cats in the past few weeks, even though they can sometimes be harder to rehome as people are unaware that they can live a normal life.
Whilst we no longer have any FIV+ cats in our care, our friends at Stray Cat Rescue still have two lovely boys in their care, who are looking for forever homes. If you are looking to adopt an FIV+ or a cat who requires an indoor home, give them a call to meet the wonderful boys they have.

Blog Success

We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has followed our blog this week. It was really important to us for you all to see into our cats’ lives and the different situations they have all faced.
We’re delighted to say the blog has brought some amazing success this week.
Finley, who we featured on day one, has been moved to a new foster home, where he is now enjoying cuddles and purring, therefore he is no longer classed as semi feral and will continue to be socialised with whilst he has some well needed dental work.
Solomon (Solly), has been officially adopted by his fosterer Lyn and is living happily ever after in his new home.
Oscar and Daisy have sparked an enquiry regarding adopting them, and Willow has a prospective owner coming to view her.
Finally, Scotty is starting to calm, and becoming more relaxed in the company of humans.
If you haven’t had a chance to read their stories, you can do so on our blog page following the link below.
And if you love the work we do, please remember we are a self funding charity, who rely entirely on donations to help us continue the work we do for these lovely kitties. If you would like to make a donation, you can do so using this link http://mkcatrescue.blogspot.co.uk/

Kitten Season in Full Swing….

These four little lovelies are now 2 weeks old and wanted to say hello! They are healthy, alert and starting to get on the move. We also have another pregnant cat in foster, though she has a few weeks to go before she’s due.
No doubt, kitten season is now in full swing. This means that two of our foster spaces are full for 10 weeks or more depending on the stage of pregnancy or age of the kittens on admission.We urgently need to find homes for our adult cats, so we can help bring in other cats that are in need of our help. From tomorrow, we are launching a blog, promoting our 6 precious and beautiful black cats. All are looking for new homes, and we have thrown in 2 rather special guests 😉
You guys know that every cat is an individual despite the colour of their fur, but we wanted to show their personalities and give you more information about their backgrounds and what they want from a new home. If one steals your heart, please contact us.
Kittens are lovely, but with an adult cat you know exactly what you are getting, and they are already litter trained! 😉 We are currently full, and are really to find our lovely cats some wonderful homes this week.