Bye Bye Rupert

Our lovely lad Rupert went off to his forever home last night which means we have a foster space to bring in another cat.

We’ve been working with a lady in North MK for some months now to trap an entire tom that visits her house twice a day.  He is rather dirty, smelly and needs a bit of love and tlc.  We now have three cats of similar circumstances and descriptions to get sorted but its a good thing we love our tom cats!

Despite putting up posters and scanning him for a chip (paper collar on as well) no one has come forward so all being well we will get him into foster in the coming days.

We’ll keep everyone posted as to how we get on.

We’re on E-Bay

We’re dipping our toes into selling items on Ebay to help raise much needed funds to help the cats in our community. 

And hot off the press we’ve just sold our first item!

Please do have a look and see if there is anything on there that you may wish to bid on.

Name Appeal For Our Bengal Cross Kittens

We had great fun this week trying to help Stewart find names for his two foster kittens.  Being bengal crosses and coming into our care having been found living in someone’s shed it is a challenge to help socialise them so that they can be rehomed.

We will give it our best shot but we know they are both female and we will pay for them to be neutered next week.

We received just over 53 comments on our facebook page when we asked our friends on there to help name them.  The posting was seen by nearly 2000 people yikes!

Having considered all the suggestions, Stewart confirmed that their names are Xena and Sheba.

A little lightheaded…….

We don’t want anyone to worry – Noah is fine, but he did get a little lightheaded when we told him how much we had raised this weekend with our fundraising events…..he’s fine a spot of catnip and a lay down was all that was required wink emoticon A big thank you to all our volunteers for coming out and supporting us this weekend. The money raised goes towards our vet bills and a big thank you to all those that turned up to say hello as well as donating food, bedding and bric a brac.

Peek A Boo!

Lovely Reggie came into our care 2 weeks ago.  He is about 6 years old and has spent most of that time hiding under a duvet cover and only coming out at night to eat and use his litter tray.
Whilst under the duvet he would happily have his chin and back of his neck fussed and you could even hear a little purr.
Last night though Reggie came out from under the duvet and spent time in the front room.  It’s moments such as those last night that really make fostering such a joy. 

Sadly Reggie isn’t alone in being left on the streets traumatised and scared needing the time and love of volunteers. Reggie is one of the lucky ones.
We’re off to the vets next week with Reggie for a health check and then when he’s ready he’ll be advertised for homing.

Brought In From The Cold

As promised here are some pictures of the two kittens that Stewart trapped this morning. We hope Stewart can feel his fingers and toes after that chilly and snowy morning. These kittens will be giving a chance to settle then they will be transferred to a foster home.