So far today I have scanned 5 yes 5 cats for chips. Two were chipped. This is the story of Tinker.

Tinker has been living with a family for a year or so. Leaves the house once a day that’s it. The family thought it was a female but in fact it’s a neutered male. A quick scan revealed a chip & confirmation that Tinker was registered to a couple who lived a road away. Turns out Tinker was a stray that they took in but he never really settled.

I got Tinker together with the registered owner & the family and Tinker sat & listened whilst they discussed joint ownership.

As a volunteer who sees so many cats where no one but us care I had a big smile on my face Tinker had two families that loved him. Claire

Hidden Talents :-)

With so many fundraising events to attend this year do you fancy coming along and joining us? 

Were always up for a giggle and just to prove it we challenged Annie to put together a limerick for us – hidden talents that one oh and she occasionally likes to pretend to be a cat….. 😉

It’s a scary thought, I cannot deny
Meeting new people, giving it a try

But when you have a friend by your side,
Or a person or dog that with you doth abide
The scariness goes and in its place
You’ll find a confidence that you cannot replace

And after a time you’ll find it easier to smile
And you’ll no longer wish to run a mile!

As your confidence grows, you will wonder why
It ever seemed scary to give it a try

So why not try fund raising with us
Bring a friend along we wont make a fuss

At the end of the day, when your shift is all done
You’ll remember the cats, still out in the sun

The cats that now will get a new home
No longer outside, hungry, cold and alone

And that satisfaction will warm your heart
Because of MK Cat Rescue, you are a part!

New arrivals

So on Saturday we collected 5 little kittens from a home in Buckingham.  The owner was struggling to cope but wanted to keep mum.  We agreed to take the kittens as long as mum was neutered and asked the owner to contact a national cat charity for assistance with getting mum neutered.

Sadly the owner was refused any assistance to get the cat neutered as her husband worked so mum is being shut indoors until they can save the money to get her neutered. 
One of the kittens was clearly suffering and needed to see a vet so off we went for an emergency vet appointment – not cheap! On a course of antibiotics Penny is doing ok at the moment, the others showed some signs of flea dirt so were treated on Saturday but are thriving as these photos show.

They are currently enjoying some of the lovely kitten food that was donated to us x If anyone is interested in them please private message us via here with your contact details or via One of the tabbies is already reserved subject to Mr Vet visit and a home visit but the other three are available. The black and white and tabby are little boys and the black kitty is a very sweet little girl.  Penny isn’t featured as she is suffering a little at the moment x

Thank you Willow Vets

This little one came into our care today with its other 4 siblings. Sadly one little one (not the one in this picture) needed to see a vet so off we went for an emergency appointment. 

With more mouths to feed we are delighted with the donations from the clients at Willow Vets, thank you all so very much.

Hello little one welcome to the world

We’ve been a bit quiet over the last day or so as we’ve experienced another difficult and upsetting labour with one of our foster cats Molly. Molly is in fact Noodles mum for those who regularly keep an eye on what we are up too. They were found in an underground car park in Milton Keynes. Molly was already pregnant with her next litter by the time we were called out and she went into labour yesterday lunchtime.
Sadly three of her kittens haven’t survived but this little one has and Molly has given it a good clean and the little one has had something to eat.

If anyone is heading to their local supermarket or pet store this week please consider purchasing some kitten food for us. All of the cats in our care as of today are on kitten food – that’s 10 cats.
We are happy to collect or it can be delivered to our registered charity address, you can also purchase goods via our Amazon Wishlist…/reg…/wishlist/ref=nav_wishlist_btn
We’ll keep you posted on this little ones progress but a big thank you to Angela and Carole for staying up most of the night to keep an eye on Molly and handling the situation with such compassion and love.

The Morning After :-)

As we wake up this Saturday morning we wanted to say a big thank you to everyone that came to our quiz night last night. We had 14 teams and the Wolverton Top Club was full. We raised an amazing £220 whilst sipping drinks and trying to answer those questions – our quiz master is a hard taskmaster and fairly certain some of us resembled this picture on some occasions.

Well done to the Coca Cola team for coming first (they have now won twice in a row so must be defeated next time!) and for supporting us all at MK Cat Rescue. It was also lovely to see some familiar faces from the world of animal rescue.

Our thoughts are with Elsa hoping that she can be discharged today from the vets and some of our volunteers will be heading out into Milton Keynes, Buckingham and Cosgrove to check out some reported cats that may need help.

Whatever your plans have a safe and happy weekend.

Elsa update

Update on Elsa; our lovely girl has a secondary infection and we really need to see how she responds to the antibiotics over the next few hours. If she doesn’t start to eat then she will be fed by a tube just to see if this helps kick start her appetite whilst attempts are made to control the infection.

We are in discussions with the vets and continue to have in our mind what is in the best interests of Elsa. She deserves to be given every chance of a recovery and whilst there remains a possibility of recovery we will continue to fight for her. 

If you can help us pay for her treatment please donate via our blog

Update on Elsa

We are really pleased to share this photo with you all of our lovely Elsa following her emergency C-section and diagnosis of septicaemia. She is eating, little and often and getting some much needed rest. We are cautiously optimistic but it is still early days.

With our fundraising at Jollyes yesterday and donations that we received we have raised approximately £630 which will certainly go a long way in paying for Elsa’s emergency treatment.

On behalf of everyone at MK Cat Rescue thank you so much x


The one thing about cat welfare is you just don’t know what is going to be thrown at you. We’ve been cautiously optimistic today as Elsa had started to feed her three kittens but by this afternoon concern was growing as she hadn’t eaten and was showing no signs of wanting to care for the kittens in any other way such a toileting. We have been absolutely thrown sideways this evening to find that Elsa has septicaemia and is now in Vets Now where the next 12-24 hours are crucial. The bill currently stands at £700. 

We will fundraise as much as we can and put buying our pens on hold to pay for her treatment if it means that this sweet, kind natured cat is given every opportunity to survive. We are most thankful to the RSPCA in Milton Keynes & Cat Welfare in Luton for helping us find a lovely lady to hand rear Elsa’s kittens as the treatment she is receiving means she just isn’t able to care for them.

This is our Elsa, dumped when her owner moved and not neutered. This is her second litter, what happened to the first no-one really knows. Please send her lots of love this evening and if you can help us pay for her treatment please donate via our donate button which can be found on