
The one thing about cat welfare is you just don’t know what is going to be thrown at you. We’ve been cautiously optimistic today as Elsa had started to feed her three kittens but by this afternoon concern was growing as she hadn’t eaten and was showing no signs of wanting to care for the kittens in any other way such a toileting. We have been absolutely thrown sideways this evening to find that Elsa has septicaemia and is now in Vets Now where the next 12-24 hours are crucial. The bill currently stands at £700. 

We will fundraise as much as we can and put buying our pens on hold to pay for her treatment if it means that this sweet, kind natured cat is given every opportunity to survive. We are most thankful to the RSPCA in Milton Keynes & Cat Welfare in Luton for helping us find a lovely lady to hand rear Elsa’s kittens as the treatment she is receiving means she just isn’t able to care for them.

This is our Elsa, dumped when her owner moved and not neutered. This is her second litter, what happened to the first no-one really knows. Please send her lots of love this evening and if you can help us pay for her treatment please donate via our donate button which can be found on http://mkcatsrescue.blogspot.co.uk

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