Happy Endings – 2018

The cats below are those that we have helped in our community, often strays or cats who find themselves in the wrong home environment.  Here at MK Cat Rescue we are 100% about the cats, giving them a second chance.  Enjoy reading their stories x


Baloo came into our care in October, not chipped or neutered, he had a large wound on his cheek that was diagnosed as an abscess. After a short time a second one appeared and both were cleaned, bathed twice a day whilst he remained on antibiotics. A third wound then appeared which got everyone puzzled and a number of tests were performed ruling out skin disease and some other nasties. Later we received confirmation that all the tests had come back negative and in fact these wounds appeared to be from fleas… Having him indoors for several weeks, those wounds have cleared up just lovely. Baloo was reserved and adopted by a lovely family just before Christmas.



Mitzi, an approximately 2-year-old little girl came into our care towards the end of November as a stray that was extremely skinny. With her very loving and affectionate nature she was reserved quicly, and went to her new forver home before Christmas.



Little Purdy came into our care as a 6 week old kitten, who turned up at someone’s house during the fireworks’ season and taken to MK Vets. Without a chip and no-one missing her, she was brought into foster. We are delighted that little Purdy was adopted on Sunday and we wish her every happiness in her new home.

Purdy (2)


A street cat for 2 years before being reported to us. Having been neutered by us… he settled but continued to love a good hiss but showed no desire to want to go out. We took the decision to advertise him for a new home… who would want Mr Grumpy… well a lovely couple who wanted nothing more than to give Barney a safe and loving home with all the space he desires.




Kia, a little kitten was handed into Vets Now and who was rather poorly with cat flu. Kia has now finished her treatment. We are delighted that Kia went to her new home at the weekend. She’s gone to an amazing family who will spoil her rotten.


This lovely lady is approximately 8 years of age and was admitted into our care having spent a few weeks at MK Vet Group as a stray.  A very friendly lady, Grace was quickly reserved having been given the all clear by the vets for rehoming.


Following the death of their owner, these two were brought into admission and into the home of Verity and her partner to foster. It became rather clear, very quickly that it was love at first sight and while it means Verity can no longer foster for us. We are delighted that Merlin and Pyewacket have found such a loving home. We wish them every happiness for the future.

Pyewacket and Merlin


Percy came into our care on 6 September 2018 via a local vets.  He has been on antibiotics and pain relief since admission. But it seems as of 23 October 2018, we finally have his symptoms under control and it came as no surprise that he was adopted within a week of being given the all clear from our vets.




These little ones were brought into foster as their owner could no longer look after them.  It took just two weeks for Raven and Ginnie to find their loving new home subject to a health check at the vets.





This lovely lady was admitted into foster when her owner could no longer look after her as Daisy was struggling to adapt to living with other pets.  No surprises with a full bill of health from the vets, Daisy was reserved rather quickly and settled just quickly into her new home!


Dasiy 1



Our beautiful Charlie is a sweet and very friendly 4-year-old female.  Admitted following a report that she was going to be abandoned in nearby woods, she was treated for ringworm meaning a longer term in care but was eventually rehomed after 3 months.


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Max & Paddy were signed over as their owner couldn’t keep them any longer. At approx. 3-4 months of age, they are covered in dead fleas and flea dirt and Max (ginger) had mild sniffles but bounced back in no time!  Not surprisingly, they were reserved within 24 hours of admission but were only adopted 4 weeks later once the vet had given them the all clear.
We wish Max and Paddy every happiness in their new home.
Max and Paddy


Xena was brought into foster with her 5 other siblings having been found living in someone’s back garden with their mum.  Having spent 2 months in foster receiving socialisation, Xena has come on leaps and bounds and was readopted in mid October.

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Carole was at the vets when she was called over by the receptionist to ask if MK Cat Rescue could help rehoming 4 little kittens.  We offered to bring them into foster on the proviso that the owner worked with the vets to get their mum neutered.  We were delighted when only a few weeks in foster, all four find loving homes.

Lovely Phoebe had been living on her own for several months following her owner being taken ill.  The family visited to keep her company, but had to take the difficult decision to entrust Phoebe to us so we could find her a loving new home.  A gentle, kind and playful girl, Phoebe has been adopted by a wonderful family where she will receive lots of love and plenty of playtime!



Gizzy was reported to us as a possible stray living in East MK.  Though looking at her front on, she looked perfectly fine her sides and tummy were covered in mats and fleas.  Gizzy was chipped so we contacted her owner.  For some reason, Gizzy had moved out of the family home over a month ago, was living close by under shrubs but had not gone home.
Gizzy’s owner took the sensible, but difficult decision to sign her over to MK Cat Rescue so we could get her the veterinary care that she needed.  Gizzy has been treated for parasites, de-matted and is on pain relief.  She’ll remain in the good hands of Lyn and Barry our fosterers for the time-being.  Luckily for Gizzy, it would seem of the receptionists at the vets fell in love with her!


Having come into foster on  Sunday 2 September 2018.  This little girl had left her home as she didn’t like the family dog, moved in with a neighbour where she stayed for a year but sadly struggled to settle with the other cat in the home.  Having been advertised as a cat in care, Molly was reserved within 48 hours and was adopted on the 19 September 2018 to a loving couple.



Reported as a stray in South MK, Brodie was visiting a lady twice a day for food and then went off about his business as an entire male.  We brought him into foster in mid July and he was neutered and vet checked after a week in foster.  Initially very hissy and refusing to come out of his cat bed unless for food it took several weeks for him to decide that we weren’t so bad.  We took the decision to move him into an indoor foster home with Scruff and Sarah.  Where he settled within a few hours and joined Scruff and Sarah on the sofa to watch some telly.  Brodie was adopted this week and we wish him and his family every happiness.







This little lady turned up outside a home in South MK, no response to paper collar and not chipped and in season.  She was admitted into foster neutered after 7 days in care and treated for fleas.  Merlot came into foster a little frightened but soon showed us that she is a rather strong, independent lady.  Having been brought into foster and into a cat pen, we moved her to an indoor foster once her flea condition had been resolved.  Within 24 hours, her fosterer, Rebecca contacted us and asked us if she could adopt Merlot, it was love at first sight.



This lad turned up as a rather friendly and full of beans entire tom at a home in North MK.  No response to a paper collar, not chipped or neutered we brought him into foster in July.  It will come as no surprise that once neutered and cleaned up – he was adopted within a few weeks of coming into foster.
Ginge (2)
This young lady came into our care heavily pregnant and not chipped.  She raised a litter of 6 and it clearly wasn’t her first litter.
Having successfully raised her little ones, Maisy has found a loving and safe home to call her own.
This loving boy came into our care in July, he was chipped but all our efforts to contact his owner proved fruitless so he was admitted into foster as he needed to see a vet.
Wally had a severe flea infestation and a sore on the back of his tail that required steroids and antibiotics.  After 14 days he was then neutered and found a loving home this week.
Wally (2)
This chap came into our care in February 2018, he had been admitted into a local vets with cat flu.  He was running out of time and we stepped in a few days before any difficult decisions were going to be made.  Having been neutered it took several months for Bear to recover from the flu.  He initially started in Angela’s cat pen and then moved to Verity where he stayed until he was well enough to be vaccinated and have a dental…..he found his forever home in August 2018.


This chap was reported to us as living in someone’s shed, he wasn’t neutered or chipped and was rather dominant.  Having put a paper collar on and made enquiries to find an owner, Lord Twig was neutered and returned to site until we could find a foster space for him.  Unfortunately, he then suffered an injury that required his immediate admission into foster.  It took several weeks for him to settle, but his personality soon started to shine through and his love for dreamies lol
We were delighted when a gentleman who lives on his own and is around most of the time took an instant liking to Lord Twig and suffice to say, Twig was rehomed within 48 hours following a successful home visit.
Lord Twig

From left to right – Meg, Harry, Louis, George, Lottie and Lizzie 


These little darlings were born in foster, their mum was a stray being fed by someone who was able to gain her trust so we could safely trap her before she went to give birth somewhere.



This beautiful lad presented himself to one of our fosterer’s as a stray, not neutered or chipped with a flea allergy and being bullied by other cats.  Following neutering and admission into foster, he simply blossomed and whilst shy…loves a cuddle.  We are delighted that he’s found his forever home.







Beautiful Missy was reported to us having been found in a shed with her young kittens.  The kittens were approximately 2 weeks and Missy was underweight and had fleas.  Having admitted her into foster, she was a little darling, keen to show off her kittens and loving every inch of the fuss that she received from her fosterer Carole.  Having rehomed her kittens, Missy found a loving home with her new best friend, 11 week old Candy.  We just love to receive updates on the cats that we have helped and successfully found new and more importantly the right home for.  Thank you to Lynda for this fab photo of Missy and Candy…whilst enjoying their current past-time – birdwatching


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This little girl came into our care (bottom left photo is on admission), having been seen living out on the streets and being harassed by the local tom cats.  Having been admitted, Ilse was diagnosed with early stages of cat flu and also had a blocked tear duct.  Whilst Ilse will need continuing support to keep her tear ducts clear, having received the necessary medical treatment to make her feel more comfortable and over her bout of flu, she was neutered.  The work then began to reassure Ilse that she could be a shy little girl and still come for cuddles and fuss when she wanted. 

Having been admitted in early April, this little girl was ready to find a new home by early June having spent time in foster with both Annie and Victoria.  We were delighted when she was adopted on 14 June 2018.  We wish this little girl a safe and very happy future in her new home.






This little beauty came into our care having been found on the streets as a stray.  Members of the public had reported her as she was in season and unfortunately entire toms were causing her distress whilst attempting to mate with her.

Having been in foster for 14 days an no owner claiming her, Faith was neutered and put up for rehoming.  We are delighted that this little girl has found a loving home and we wish her every happiness for the future.




These cheeky monkeys were born in foster and we thought it would be a good idea to share their journey whilst in foster by way of a blog.


We were delighted when they were adopted at 9 weeks of age and can’t wait to hear to how the progress.


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This lad was reported to us with a severe flea allergy and wasn’t chipped or neutered.  On admission he received veterinary treatment and once neutered settled and true personality came out.

We are delighted that Eli was rehomed on 19 May 2018 and has moved to Brighton! We wish him every happiness in his new home.




Beautiful Jessie came into our care traumatised in October 2017.  She was reported as a cat that was biting and being aggressive.  When she was admitted her behaviour suggested that as a kitten she had possibly been played with inappropriately and she clearly had trust issues.  It took up to February 2018 for her to be comfortable in a family home environment with older children and no other pets.  And its fair to say that Sally, her foster mum has worked wonders.  We have been open and very honest about Jessie and her tendency to bite and this has meant it proved challenging to find her, the right home for her.  But we did 🙂 We were delighted when in May 2018 our shy little girl who loves a snuggle at night was adopted.


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This beautiful lad was successfully trapped and brought into care back in February 2018.  He was neutered and we hoped that with time he would come round to enjoying our company but being shy in personality and also it seems having had little socialisation we took the decision to find Shay a farm or stable yard.  Unfortunately one relocate fell through meaning Shay stayed in foster a little longer than we liked but we were delighted when he went to his new home in early May with a family who have renamed him Carlos.  We’re sure with time he appreciate the family from a safe distance and will help keep the rodent population down on their property.





On 10 November 2017, we received a report of a cat that had been a stray for a number of years (first picture we understand was taken when he first turned up).  After a few years living as a stray, he started to struggle showing signs of dribbling from his mouth and his fur was unkempt.  Both can be signs of dental issues and on admission, Barnie (as Angela his fosterer called him) was diagnosed with dental disease, upper respiration infection and mouth ulcers.  It has taken months of treatment and love to get Barnie feeling better. Photo top right was taken in December 2017, bottom left taken February 2018.  And we were delighted when Angela took the decision that actually Barnie wasn’t a foster cat anymore – he was family.  We are delighted that Barnie now has his furever home…..we couldn’t have asked for more for him and he just looks fantastic now (photographs middle bottom and bottom right are taken May 2018).


Barnie journey




This beautiful chap was reported to us several months ago but he was a tricky customer to keep track off.  Eventually a neighbour of one of our volunteers started to feed him and we knew we had our opportunity to get him into foster.

As a fluffy cat, Scruff required a rather radical haircut following admission and was neutered.  It came as no surprise when he got rehomed within 2 weeks of being in foster!





Lovely Harry came into our care in December 2017, he had been handed into the vets as a stray and had a severe case of gingivitis and required urgent dental treatment.

At 8 years old, Harry has endured 3 dental procedures to remove his teeth and has since gone strength to strength.  Luckily, it only took a few weeks before Harry’s perfect owners came to meet him and it was love at first sight. For a boy who was very poorly on admission, we are so pleased for him that he has gone to a lovely forever home.




Lovely Tigger came into our care in March, he was bald following a severe flea infestation and clearly had been a stray for a while.  He was chipped but we have been unable to trace his owner.

Following admission and treatment for parasites, Tigger soon recovered and was adopted at the end of April.





Lovely Minkah came into our care a few weeks ago, at only 10 months of age, he wasn’t neutered or chipped.

Minkah was soon vaccinated and settled right in to foster care. It was love at first sight for Minkah and his new owner Graham.  In a lovely and coincidental way, Tigger and Minkah both went to their forever homes on the same day. We do love a happy ending.





Our beautiful Tiggy was admitted into foster having been handed into a local vets as a stray.  Her chip details were out of date and at 14 years of age, she really needed somewhere safe and warm so we brought her into foster and after 24 hours she had curled up and made herself at home! It didn’t take long for this lovely lady to find her forever home and we are delighted that this lovely girl has a home she truly deserves.





Lovely Pongo was admitted into our care in November of last year, having been found as a stray. He was neutered but not microchipped.
Soon after coming into care it became clear that Pongo was potentially suffering from hyperthyroidism. The vets confirmed this and put him onto long term medication to try and stabilise his condition.
Luckily, after a few months of treatment and receiving lots of love and TLC from his fosterer Verity, the vets confirmed his condition was under control and he was ready to find his forever home.
One of Verity’s friends, had met Pongo and it was love at first sight. We are extremely pleased to say that he went to his forever home at the weekend. His new owner has already sent us a photo of him fast asleep and settled in.

Lovely Ada came into our care last month, having been found as a stray. It was love at first sight for Ada and her new family, and we couldn’t be more pleased to say she went to her forever home at the start of April.





It’s safe to say that our Beverley has had quite the journey over the past few months. After being reported to us as a stray, she was admitted as an emergency due to her poor condition.

The vet confirmed Beverley had ear cancer, and later that week she was operated on. Rocking her new look, Bev made a speedy recovery and her personality just blossomed.

Beverley was given the all clear from the vets today, and this evening she went to her forever home! We wouldn’t have been able to help give this girl a second chance without your help.

We want to say thank you so much to everyone who donated towards Beverley’s care, as you can see it really has made such a difference for her. We also need to say a huge thank you to Sue Nicholls for her continued support and donations towards Beverley’s care. And finally thank you, to her fosterer Virginia, for keeping her safe, loved and warm whilst she recovered.

We can’t wait to find out how this sweet girl settles into her forever home❤️❤️#happilyeverafter



Bryn came into our care after being reported to us as a stray, she wasn’t neutered or chipped, and immediately was showing signs of being feral.

Once admitted, Bryn was neutered and continued to show no interest in human contact. Luckily, we found a lovely farm yard in Oxford, which Bryn was transferred to the other day. We know she will be so happy with her own freedom and space.





Lovely Lily came into our care last month, after her owner could sadly no longer keep her. She was already neutered and chipped, so we had her vaccinated and she went up for rehoming.

It’s no surprise that our gorgeous Lily expressed a lot of interest, and with such a wonderful personality, she soon found her forever home in March 2018.




Sheldon was one of the first additions into our care this year, he was reported to us along with his brother and sister, Stanley and Mulan, as strays who were taking residence in Bleak Hall Industrial Estate.

They were 5 months, and had not had any human contact before. Naturally, they were scared… and a little fiery!

Shortly after being admitted, the three siblings were neutered and moved to Victoria’s for socialisation. However, after a few weeks, it became clear that Stanley and Mulan were still showing feral behaviours and showed no signs of coming round. We took the decision along with Victoria to find them a lovely farm yard, which they were relocated to in January.

Our little Sheldon however was different, he showed a sense of curiosity and you could see the gentle nature that hid beneath those fears. Victoria worked really hard socialising him, and it really paid off. After a few months in foster care, Sheldon blossomed into the most loving, playful and happy little lad.

Victoria and Sheldon have developed such a wonderful bond over the past few months, that it came as a very decision for her to officially adopt him. We are so pleased for them, we can’t wait to see how cheeky Sheldon grows in his forever home.




These beauties came into our care in early October 2017. Sadly, their owner was going through a separation and was not allowed to take them her new accommodation.

They settled into foster care quickly, with Sue, who absolutely fell in love them. The vets gave Odin and Maisie a good bill of health.

Following this, Sue decided to officially adopt this pair, we knew they would be in the best hands and in a loving forever home. This meant that Sue had to make the decision to give up fostering for us. We would like to say a MASSIVE thank you to Sue for all her hard work, and for being a part of our team.

We can’t wait to see how Odin, Maisie and Sue get on.

Cat cuddles



These gorgeous lads came into our care through some very unfortunate circumstances. Luckily, it didn’t take them too long to settle into their foster home.

At 10 years of age, they were given a good bill of health from the vets. Ben required a dental to get rid of some nasty teeth.

We were so pleased when Julie contacted us and asked if she could meet the boys, it was love at first sight! Now Eric and Ernie, these boys are settling into their forever home with a family who adore them.





Our beautiful Fin went to his forever home on Tuesday. Having been given the all clear by the vets following his dental, he was adopted by the lovely family who found him as a stray.

We are so pleased for this wonderful boy, he is going to be extremely loved and spoilt with his new family.




Our smiley Sirius went to his forever home on Monday! The first picture shows him prior to being admitted to us, the second two were taken in the last week. It just goes to show what getting entire toms off the street, neutered and cared for can really do.
Sirius certainly made an impression on everyone that he met whilst in our care, and we will miss him dearly.
We can’t wait to hear how he settles in.



Our sweet golden oldie Davina went to her forever home at the weekend!

Davina has made the move from Milton Keynes to Tonbridge, and we couldn’t be happier for this lovely girl. She is going to be spoilt rotten in her new home.




Lovely Hogan went to his forever home at the weekend.

We couldn’t be more pleased for this sweet lad, as he lived as a stray for quite a while before he was reported to us.

Good luck, we can’t wait for updates



Lovely Lily came into our care in January, after her owner could no longer keep her due to allergies.

Lily settled really well into foster care, so much so that her fosterer’s decided to officially adopt her!

We are so pleased for this sweet girl, she will be so spoilt with her new family.



Our beautiful Tabitha went to her forever home this week! We are so pleased for her, she didn’t have the best start in life, but can now finally relax in a home she calls her own.

We can’t wait for updates to see how she is settling in.



Our sweet girl Layla went to her forever home yesterday, and it’s clear to see she’s already settling in really well.

Layla is only a young girl, who hadn’t had an easy start in life. We are so pleased she has now found her new family, and will be spoilt rotten.


Lovely little Loki came into our care late last year, he was rescued with his 3 siblings and mum.
At approx 5 months old, and having not had much contact with people before, he was obviously a little bit timid.
However, once neutered and settled into foster care, Loki’s lovely personality started to shine. And we were really pleased when he went to his forever home at the start of Feb.



Mulan and Stanley came into our care in the new year. At 6 months old, with no human interaction previously, they were extremely nervous.

Despite a lot of time and patience from their fosterer, Mulan and Stanley were still showing feral behaviours. Therefore, we realised it was in their best interests to be relocated to a lovely farm, where they can spend their days roaming and relaxing.

They went off their new home yesterday, we know they will live a very happy life.




Beautiful Billy came into our care in December, having been reported to us as an entire tom, he sadly wasn’t chipped and was in a very bad condition.
As soon as he arrived, we knew Billy was a special boy and he soon won over the hearts of our volunteers. Once neutered, Billy developed into such a loving and wonderful boy, who just needed to be loved.
We are so pleased to say that Billy has gone to his forever home, and he has really landed on his paws with his new family.
We can’t wait to hear how gets on.



Our gorgeous boy Natsu (now Teddy) went to his forever home at the weekend.

He is a such a sweetie, and we know he will be very loved and spoilt by his new owners.

We can’t wait to hear how settles in.



Our lovely girl Pepper went to her forever home at the weekend!

We’ve already received this picture of her settling in. I think it’s safe to say she is very happy and content.

We can’t wait for more updates.


Lola came into our care in December, with five of her kittens. She was only a young girl herself, and had clearly been living as a stray for quite some time, as she also had a 5 month old kitten with her as well.
Once she’d settled in, and the kittens were a little bit older, Lola was neutered, vaccinated and chipped. She developed into a lovely girl, who just needed a second chance in life.
Luckily, her purrrfect owner wasn’t far away, and she went to her forever home in January.
Lovely Tommy came into our care in September last year, after being reported to us as a stray. He had a quite nasty flea allergy, that required treatment and he was an entire tom.
Once neutered, and his treatment began working, Tommy started to feel lots better and blossomed into a wonderful boy, who loved his fuss and cuddles.
We were so pleased when Tommy found his forever home in January of this year.

Holly came into our care a few weeks ago, after she was taken to Milton Keynes Veterinary Group. She is an older lady, who was not chipped.

Holly settled well into foster care, and received lots of love and TLC. We are pleased to say that Holly’s forever home was not far away, and she was officially adopted this week.





Hunter came into our care just before Christmas, as he was sadly about to be made homeless.

He settled into foster care really well, and absolutely loved to run around and cause some mischief! Once up for rehoming, we had a lot of interest in him, luckily in amongst those was his ideal home.

Hunter went to his forever home in January.





Gorgeous Trudy came into our care, after her owner could no longer keep her due to allergies.

She was only 14 weeks old, and such a loveable little lady. Her fosterer absolutely fell in love with her and her cheeky personality, and she was officially adopted by them this week.

Now renamed Dolly, she has fitted in really well into their home and we get a lot of updates on how she is doing.




Our gorgeous dynamic duo Bungle and Zippy went to their forever home at the weekend.

They came into our care after being reported to us as two unneutered strays. Once in care, they were neutered and received lots of love. At only 8 months old approx, they were ready for their second chance in life.

Luckily, their new home was meant to be. We are really glad they will get to enjoy the rest of their lives together, in a loving home.



Einstein came into our care after being found as a stray.

Although he wasn’t chipped, he was neutered. He is approx 10 years old, and settled into foster care really well. Such a loveable lad, who just needed some TLC as he was in a bad condition when he first came to us.

We were really pleased when Einstein met his perfect new owners in December 2017, and was officially adopted in January of this year. Good luck in your forever home lovely boy x





Lovely Mia came into our care with kittens in the summer. She was so protective of her little ones that it took a very long time for her to trust anyone.

Only Mia knows what she went through whilst surviving on the streets but once her kittens were rehomed….her amazing fosterer spent a lot of time with her and Mia just grew in confidence!

Mia got a lovely Christmas present this year. When her fosterer announced that she was the perfect addition to their home, and they had decided to officially adopt her. We can’t tell you how delighted we all were to hear the news and we know secretly its what Mia has wanted for a long time x

We can’t wait for further updates on Mia in her forever home.




Smudge had been living as a stray before he was reported to us. He was an entire tom, who had been living a tough life, and had a nasty skin irritation.

Once in care, he was neutered and received veterinary treatment for his skin irritation, it was also confirmed he had a heart murmur.

It took time, but Smudge started to really blossom and show off his wonderful personality. He had sadly forgotten how it felt to be able to trust people, and it would take him a little while before he was comfortable with you.

We were so pleased when Smudge met his purrrfect owners, who knew exactly the type of home he needed. We can’t wait to see how he gets on in his forever home.




Our lovely boy Wally went to his forever home this week. Having been admitted into our care at just 8 weeks old, it’s safe to say he was less than impressed at being trapped!

He was extremely frightened to begin with, and struggled adapting to being around people. But once his sister Polly was adopted, he began to flourish and realise that cuddles weren’t so bad after all. Shortly after, Wally was moved to a new fosterer, somewhere with a bit more space and freedom to roam around. He really began to develop a loving and cheeky personality.

We were so pleased when Wally found his forever home, and can’t wait to hear how he gets on. Massive thank you to his two fosterer’s Angela and Victoria, for their continued patience and efforts to bring Wally round, it definitely paid off!

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Everyone Brodie is now ready for rehoming 😊 He’s a little shy. He is approx. 3 years of age and is the cutest little boy. His shyness means it takes a little time for him to settle but he soon does and he loves his head and chunky cheeks being fussed! He absolutely adores his food and treats and happily sits on the sofa for a cuddle with Scruff his foster dog keeping him company by his side. He’s quite a big lad so he will need a home with older children and he seems fine with other cats. If you could give this beautiful lad a loving new home, please call Carole on 07741510799.