It was with great sadness that we received the news yesterday that Indie aka Morris the Morrison cat had passed away to the rainbow bridge.

The Trustees had a end of year meeting today and held it down at Carole’s where our Golden Oldies are in care and we all took sometime to hangout with Teddy and Little Mae giving them an extra cuddle whilst remembering our boy Indie.

Here is a photo of Little Mae from today and we’ve uploaded another photo of her when she was first admitted. 

It lifts our hearts to see such a difference in Little Mae and we hope in some ways it lifts your spirits whilst remembering Indie. Every emotional low or large vet bill is kinda worth it if it means cats are given love and security when they’ve been let down by others in the past. We want to thank everyone who has donated to our Golden Oldie appeal, we’ve raised £650 towards covering Teddy and Little Mae’s vet bills. It will help incredibly as fundraising will rather be non existent in the next few months. We wish everyone a very safe and happy new year and we’ll see you in 2017 helping cats in our community.

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