Buzz’s Story

Lovely Buzz came into our care after being found living as a stray. Following a vet check, it was confirmed that Buzz was an older boy and he was in need of a dental. Along with a biopsy on abscesses in his mouth.

Buzz took everything in his stride and coped really well with all of his treatment. His fosterers fell completely in love with his loving nature and charm. Buzz went to his forever home at the start of July following the all clear from the vets.

In total Buzz’s veterinary treatment in total cost nearly £1000!! Without your continued donations to support us, we wouldn’t be able to help cats like Buzz. We are so grateful that with your help we can give these cats the second chance, that they so desperately deserve😘

Funding Appeal

We can’t believe the wonderful generosity of our supporters!!

Thank you all so much, we have currently raised £715 towards our £2,000 target! All of the money raised will be going towards helping us with our veterinary bills.

You may have noticed we have started to share individual stories of the cats we have helped, what veterinary care they have received and how much it cost. To show you all exactly how your money continues to help us help the cats of MK.

There is still time to donate to our funding page, or if you would prefer you can donate via Facebook or PayPal.

Thank you from all of us at MKCR.😊🥰

Ash’s Story

This lovely boy is called Ash. He was an entire tom, not microchipped and had been hanging around in Stantonbury Fields, Milton Keynes. Ash had clearly been in the wars, he had bumps all over his face and a split on his ear. He had missing fur on his head, neck and shoulders. Ash was covered in scratches and cuts. Poor lad was in a really poor condition and was not keen on humans at all.

Ash was checked over by a vet who suggested it was possible he would FIV+. He moved into foster care with Mandy, shortly before the UK went into lockdown. With vets closed unless it was for emergencies, Ash patiently waited for his tests. Mandy used this time with him to gain his trust and to show him that it Is okay to trust people. Since then, Ash has come on leaps and bounds.

Luckily, the vets recently started taking appointments again. Ash has now been neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. The vets also confirmed that Ash is FIV+, meaning he would need an indoor home.

Ash is currently recovering from his dental, and will hopefully be ready for a new home in the coming weeks. He has become quite the celebrity with MK Cat Rescue and we can’t wait to see how much further he progresses.