Giving Beverley a Second Chance

Meet Beverley, she is 10 years old and was admitted on Friday afternoon as an emergency having been reported to us as a stray.


She is chipped but details are out of date for her current owner. She’s been living as a stray for a few months and when Annie went out yesterday she knew immediately something was wrong with Beverley’s ears. A vet check has confirmed she has cancer and requires surgery.

Ear cancer is sadly common in white cats but we are now having to ask for help to pay for her treatment. The surgery will cost between £300-£350 and any money raised will go towards paying her vet bill. If you would like to make a donation towards Beverley’s operation, you can do so via the donate button on our page.

Thank you 

Vegan Cookery: get ready for BBQ season!

We would like to invite you to a vegan BBQ cookery lesson! Come along to Bletchley on 28th April from 10am-2pm and learn how to make vegan burgers, sausages, mayonnaise, cheese, coleslaw and some nice salads!

Cost is £20 per person (food included), and we require a £10 deposit* to reserve your spot.

The food is very kindly being donated by our vegan chef Marie, so every penny will directly help the cats in our care.

Places are limited, so to reserve your spot, click here to go to our PayPal page. You need to give your £10 deposit – and *important* – ensure you put ‘VEGAN COOKING’ into the comments section so that we know you want to come along.

We will confirm your place to you via email within a few days, including the address.

Please bring with you:

  • £10 cash for the remainder of your fee
  • A chopping knife and chopping board
  • Containers you can carry your food home in

We look forward to seeing you then.

*This deposit is non-refundable, unless the event is cancelled by us.

Meet three special boys…

We had an extremely busy month in January:

  • We admitted 16 cats into foster
  • We rehomed 14 cats and relocated 1 feral
  • We reunited 3 cats with their owners

We also had three special boys come in recently, all requiring rather a lot of veterinary treatment…

FinMeet Fin

Fin was admitted very recently from MK Vet Group. He is 14 years of age and has been diagnosed with serious mouth issues and requires a dental. He’s been booked in for 12 February 2018, and in the meantime is on antibiotics.

Following his health check, Lyn his fosterer said: “He has now retired to his cabin for his afternoon nap after his little jaunt out to the vets. lol x”

We’ll keep you updated on Fin’s progress.

Meet Harry

HarryHarry was admitted into foster on 15 December.  He had been handed into Vets for Pets in Bletchley as a stray, and was showings of cat flu and had a serious mouth infection.  Living as a stray had taken a toll on his health and Harry was a very sick cat.

Despite his mouth infection, it didn’t stop him having lots of fuss and love with Lyn and we shortly transferred Harry to an indoor foster home. Harry had the first of his dentals this week. It was very challenging and required an overnight admission.

Harry is likely to be on long-term antibiotics and pain relief for sometime and our next challenge is to get this lovely lad through his dental surgeries.

Meet Derek

derek 1Derek was admitted on the 5 January, following two nights as an emergency at MK Vet Group. He had been living as a stray and was seriously unwell. Derek was diagnosed as hyperthyroid and we’ve been trying to stabilise his condition ever since with medication. He’s experienced some side effects from the medication but has gained weight and is enjoying lots of cuddles with his angel of a fosterer, Debbie.

Debbie says: “Health wise he’s not out of the woods just yet, but in himself he’s doing well, he loves his cuddles and purrs all the time, you’ll see in a couple of the pictures how he likes to sleep at night (that’s him in my bed under the covers with his head on my arm and pillow lol), he really is an adorable chap who seems to be happy plodding around and chilling, for a cat that had a 50/50 chance of survival 4 weeks ago I think he’s doing pretty well right now, you can’t help but fall in love with him.”

We’re looking forward to seeing his health improve, we’ll keep you posted.

How you can help Fin, Derek and Harry:

As you can guess, the veterinary fees for these special boys (and other cats that come into our care) can get very high – over £3,000 so far.

If are able to give a donation, we would be incredibly grateful.


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