Dedication that is our Stewart

Last Monday we were asked to help capture mum and kittens in North MK.  Thankfully we had the foster space so Stewart headed out with trap in hand.  He discovered not only mum and her 4 young kittens, but also an older kitten (possibly from a previous litter earlier this year?) and a rather handsome tom cat.  All 7 are now safe in foster.  Without volunteers like Stewart we couldn’t help the 100’s of cats we have so far since we set the charity up.  So big thank you to Stewart for his dedication and here’s is a restful Sunday for you x.
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10 ways to celebrate International Cat Day

Today is International Cat Day! A great day to take the time to give your cat an extra cuddle or treat… and to spare a thought for all those cats in need.

Here are 10 great ways to celebrate this special day, dedicated to all things CAT!

  1. Spend a little extra time with your cat. Take a moment today to give your cat some extra love and attention, a few of their favourite treats, and play with their favourite toys.
  2. 20502998_10212401406222437_811240323_oDon’t have a cat? Have room for another? Why not consider adopting a new feline family member? We have cats in care, waiting for a lovely new home. Find out more >
  3. Consider becoming a cat fosterer – we need more fosterers right now, read more here >
  4. Give your cat some pampering; most cats enjoy a good brush and this reduces fur around your home, and nasty hairballs for your cat.
  5. Take photos of your cat and share them with us on our Facebook page (we love to hear from fellow cat lovers!)
  6. Have a clear out around your home and donate bric-a-brac to us: we can sell items at our events and all money raised helps cats in need.
  7. Is your cat microchipped? Are their vaccinations up to date? How about their flea treatment? If the answer is no, take a moment today to book them in at the vets.
  8. Bake some cat-shaped cookies or cat-themed cupcakes to share with your family and friends.
  9. Do you own cat socks? Maybe a t-shirt? Whatever you’ve got, today’s the day to wear it with pride and show your love of cats!
  10. Donate £: if you can spare a few pennies, we – and more importantly the cats in our care – would really appreciate it, however big or small the donation.

Happy International Cat Day!