Elsa update

Update on Elsa; our lovely girl has a secondary infection and we really need to see how she responds to the antibiotics over the next few hours. If she doesn’t start to eat then she will be fed by a tube just to see if this helps kick start her appetite whilst attempts are made to control the infection.

We are in discussions with the vets and continue to have in our mind what is in the best interests of Elsa. She deserves to be given every chance of a recovery and whilst there remains a possibility of recovery we will continue to fight for her. 

If you can help us pay for her treatment please donate via our blog http://mkcatsrescue.blogspot.co.uk

Update on Elsa

We are really pleased to share this photo with you all of our lovely Elsa following her emergency C-section and diagnosis of septicaemia. She is eating, little and often and getting some much needed rest. We are cautiously optimistic but it is still early days.

With our fundraising at Jollyes yesterday and donations that we received we have raised approximately £630 which will certainly go a long way in paying for Elsa’s emergency treatment.

On behalf of everyone at MK Cat Rescue thank you so much x


The one thing about cat welfare is you just don’t know what is going to be thrown at you. We’ve been cautiously optimistic today as Elsa had started to feed her three kittens but by this afternoon concern was growing as she hadn’t eaten and was showing no signs of wanting to care for the kittens in any other way such a toileting. We have been absolutely thrown sideways this evening to find that Elsa has septicaemia and is now in Vets Now where the next 12-24 hours are crucial. The bill currently stands at £700. 

We will fundraise as much as we can and put buying our pens on hold to pay for her treatment if it means that this sweet, kind natured cat is given every opportunity to survive. We are most thankful to the RSPCA in Milton Keynes & Cat Welfare in Luton for helping us find a lovely lady to hand rear Elsa’s kittens as the treatment she is receiving means she just isn’t able to care for them.

This is our Elsa, dumped when her owner moved and not neutered. This is her second litter, what happened to the first no-one really knows. Please send her lots of love this evening and if you can help us pay for her treatment please donate via our donate button which can be found on http://mkcatsrescue.blogspot.co.uk

A Happy Ending x

A lovely lady called Fiona Jane tagged MK Cat Rescue in on a post on facebook the other day. A concerned owner had spotted that her cat was injured but couldn’t get close enough to catch him. She needed to borrow a trap to catch Saski.
We dropped a trap round that evening and having had to drag Annie away from the Alsatian puppy (she does love her dogs!) we are really pleased to say that late last night Saski was trapped and is going to the vets today for a check -up.
The trap was purchased through donations that had been made to our charity and we wanted to let you guys know that even a donation of £5 can make a huge difference to us being able to help cats in need.
We wish Saski well at the vets and wanted to thank everyone for their support. We wish everyone a lovely Easter.

What Will You Be Doing This Weekend?

If you are planning on heading out to the shops this long weekend, how about staying at home and shopping online instead?
There are 3,000 retailers on Easy Fundraising now…….don’t put all your Easter Eggs in one basket – shop around for those deals but still raise funds for MK Cat Rescue!

No cost, no catch – raise free donations for us every time you shop online with @easyuk!

Final thought……

One of our volunteers was down at a local vets this evening after work picking up a stray cat that we had gotten neutered. 

A member of the public told her that she wished she had a job looking after the cats. Our volunteer said you can work with cats….your reward isn’t financial though its seeing the cats safe and happy.

Much like seeing Oscar all cosy in his new home, he came in on a Sunday morning, it was blinking freezing and a number of volunteers had to change their plans to accommodate his admission that morning. Seeing him now all fluffy, clean and loved is reward enough for us.

Night on the Tiles

We were really proud to be one of the community groups that were part of the Charity Car Raffle in the Centre MK last year. When we were invited to celebrate last week with the car winner & to get a chance to mingle with other charities in MK….well it was only right that we asked some of our fundraisers to attend and represent us.

Through selling the raffle tickets Sandy & Paul and our other wonderful volunteers raised £225 for MK Cat Rescue and with spring well and truly in the air we need all the money we can to help neuter stray cats that are living in our community.

Our new foster cat has come into care this afternoon.  He’s had a bit of a rough time of it of late so he’s going to have a weekend with his fosterer to chill and we’ll be out this weekend getting him some lovely new toys to play with.  Dexter is two years old and is an owned cat but due to personal circumstances that are beyond his owner’s control, he’s come into our care.  

Settle in Dexter and get some rest and we’ll see what next week brings us mate.